Is This The New MacBook Air?

Okay, we obviously can’t confirm this, but we just got a very interesting image of what certainly looks like a MacBook Air with a new hinge design. More details after the jump!
UPDATE: No new design is seen on the new MacBook Air.
The new hinge design reminds us about the irritating hinge defects we had seen on the previous models (2009) of the MacBook Air. Looking carefully at the new hinge, we think it is not as prone to breaking as the previous models, so Apple most likely found a way to improve it.
Next, regarding this pic, our contacts in Foxconn have told us it is genuine. And they said the new MacBook Air is slightly thinner, and much lighter. And we are wondering, is that an 11-inch or 13-inch in the pic? That SD card slot may represent the 13-inch version, since the current 13″ has a SD card slot. However, the device looks small in the pic. So, will we see an SD card slot on the new MacBook Air 11″? How about the backlit keyboard? Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt? We’ll know for sure soon…