Sunday, December 21, 2014
OS X 10.11 Release Date + Torrent Links.
Apple seeds OS X El Capitan (OS X 10.11) Download links. OS X Yosemite has been officially available for a month now, but Mac owners are already looking to the future and discussing what they would like to see in Next-Gen Mac OS, which presumably would be known as Mac OS X 10.11 or Mac OS 11. Yosemite was a substantial upgrade to OS X, one that saw Apple continue its convergence between mobile and desktop environments.
Handoff and Continuity made sharing features (such as phone calls, messages, and documents) between the two platforms seamless; while the new design borrowed much from the flat landscape of iOS 8. With Apple now on a yearly upgrade cycle for OS X we should expect to see these new functions refined over the year, along with deeper integration of the new iCloud Drive service.
OS X El Capitan (OS X 10.11) Release Date: 8-th June, 2015
OS X El Capitan (OS X 10.11) Beta Torrent links: [LINKS]
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