iPhone 6S Release – Grey Market in China.

iPhone 6S and grey market in China. The new iPhone 6S is expected to hit shelves of stores in Hong Kong on September 18. We think that as China will among the first countries on the schedule, but we know that all official iPhone 6S will be released in first day, Chinese scalpers are gearing up to make a fortune from mark-ups on new iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus (and rumored iPhone 6C) bought from Hong Kong and brought to China.
However, things are a little different at the Apple Store in Hong Kong. While we might expect to see long lines, Apple is warning customers not to bother lining up for launch of the new iPhone 6S at its retail store in Hong Kong. Here’s the deal: If you want to buy the new iPhone 6S in Hong Kong, you might have to enter a lottery to win the chance to buy it. Scalpers are pissed.
Following on from the violence-laden product launch that was the “old” iPhone 6 and iPhone 5S (2014 and 2013), Apple is reportedly set to avoid such situations by offering its iPhone 6S and others new products like future-phone iPhone 7 to customers in Hong Kong by way of a lottery-based reservation system. It was brought in seemingly in a bid to prevent so-called scalpers coming from mainland China, where the iPhones are in short supply, buying up plenty of devices and then selling them on at a profit back in mainland China.
We don’t know how it’s will work in this fall, but we know that it’s the best way to buy iPhone 6S in 2015. Some employers told me that pre-order will be started at 15-th September. Hmm. Very interesting.
Back to the history (“old” iPhone in China):
Interestingly, in spite of the signs at the IFC Mall, and even police requests to leave, scalpers have still been trying to line up. Police have attempted to get the scalpers moving off the site, but has done so with little success.