IPHONE 5 REVIEW – COMPLETE GUIDE FROM GDELUXE: Here it is, iPhone 5 – a new landmark of smartphone development from Apple, designed to change the habits of many millions of users. The new screen, new size, new body materials. Let’s take a look again.
The evolution of the smartphone company Apple starting from iPhone 2G and ending with the penultimate model 4S, easy to probe. After the first iPhone came his plastic counterpart with 3G-network support. Next was released iPhone 3GS with featuring new camera, increasing the speed and oleophobic screen coating, and then came the era of the two best-selling iPhone 4/4S. With unique Retina-display, high-quality glass and steel body interspersed with advanced online application store. They quickly and permanently became the Standard product in the market of phones.
The box and its new content
The novelty comes in modified packaging in compare with iPhone 4/4S. I became a little longer due to the increased size of the phone, but retained the overall design of its predecessors. Inside, as before, the iPhone is in a tray of plastic. A little book with a short instruction and SIM-slot opener has changed and turned into an envelope.
The most enjoyable moment in a packing of iPhone 5 is new headphones EarPods, which are available now in a special carrying case for easy transportation. This is comfortable for many users who prefer to use third-party headsets and headphones take to travel of the main ones will break.
EarPods pleasantly surprise all GDeluxe Team by their sound, especially bass capabilities. The only moot point is an interesting form of plugs that not everyone can apply it. There are ears in which the earphones will dangle or conversely sit tight. Another serious problem of sets from previous generation iPhone partially solved. Soundproofing in EarPods is powerful enough so that you will not offend anyone for his “screaming” headphones on public transport or, for example, in an airplane.
The second and last new thing in the box with the “Five” is 8-pin Lightning-cable to charge and sync your phone with your computer. Do not believe what you saw in the pictures on the Apple website! Plug‘s size is incredibly small as compare with old 30-pin connector looks awkward dinosaur of unreliable design. Still, the difference with the latest is much as 80%!
High Lightning-cable can be connected to the iPhone 5 by any party in the smart phone it is attached very securely.
Every accessory that comes with the iPhone 5 in the box is a necessary staff for each user. It is necessary to have now-quality headphones, the new cable connector and charging. You will have refused the adapter to the old cord from the iPhone. Or you can order it forfor 30 U.S. dollars in the Apple website.
IPhone 5 design or legend about a long iPhones
Externally iPhone 5 is the next stage in the development of popular and recognizable design iPhone 4/4S. Instead of a glass panel on the back of the smart phone is a panel made of anodized aluminum, which is covered on both sides with two glass inserts. Between these three parts there is not a gap or crack all is gathering perfectly. If you touch from the bottom to the upper end of the gadget with your finger, the finger barely feels these transitions, what indicates the reliability of the assembly.
Rear panel with aluminum bezel are a single nonseparable unit where puted all the parts and covered the glass “lid” with a 4-inch screen. Rough housing of white iPhone 5, which we saw in our hands looks as solid piece and nicely fit in your hand. No worse than any previous generation iPhone, if you do not think about the weight of the unit.
The difference with the 4S-model is 28-gram weight and makes iPhone 5 as one of the lightweight smartphones of today, which does not prevent the appearance of conflicting feelings when you hold the gadget in hands first time. It’s too easy! Indeed, the reduced weight gives the impression that in your hands something like a slim player, but certainly not the last phone from Apple. The situation saves cold aluminium housing. In short, it is only a matter of habit.
You have to get used to the new headphone location in the iPhone 5, which is moved to the bottom of the device. As old habit you can even scratch the top of the rim in the “blind“trying to find a mini-jack. But when you use your smartphone in portrait mode such a move seems convenient, because the cable is no longer disturbs beyound a device or in front of the screen.
All internet jokes about elongated iPhone exaggerated a little more than fully. It‘s very unusual in the hands the first few hours, but the next day, if you see iPhone 4S in the hands of some passer it looks like unpreventable phone. Even mini-iPhone, if you want. You can use one hand to manage the iPhone 5, as promised Phil Schiller at the presentation. You wouldn‘t have difficulties to print text, call Alert Centre, tap on icons even in the top row.
Unpleasant nuance in the whole construction is aluminum cover susceptibility to fingerprints. Even a quick wipe of the iPhone 5 with clothes not always cleans back cover from the effects of active use, it is necessary to use the microfiber. In our case, we couldn‘t clean even a glass housing of iPhone 4S than fingerprints from “five”.
From the first day of the salling Internet has divided between those who think the new iPhone 5 is a perfection and to those who gave up on it. And readers who have not yet touched the device is difficult to understand a situation. We decide to clarify it.
First, let’s look at the photos of this device. It’s just gorgeous. For example, we have white color device. We took a photo on the first day of purchase and after 2 weeks of use. It is not comfortable to use device in a protective cover for me, so I use it as it was created.
The ease to use a screen is very clear. If we compared iPhone 4S or Samsung Galaxy S3 with a new iPhone 5. The iPhone 5 is more handy. The phone fits in your hand perfectly and is very comfortable. Why? Because it is an excellent phone.
Result: the phone IS NOT SCRATCHED. There is no single stratch after 2 weeks of active use. Why? Because it is an excellent phone.
IOS 6 on the iPhone 5
All iPhones 5 are provided with preinstalled iOS 6. Surprised, right? Six years running we are seeing in general the same mobile OS from Apple, what is not entirely bad. The new smartphone from this company is excellent illustration of the new, conservative course of Apple. One of the key features of the new gadget – increased height display iPhone, where you can “do more and see better.” Or not? Let’s look at how supports this long screen in standard applications of the system.
Apple has had a unique opportunity to improve the usability of the smartphone, which is already considered to be close to the ideal between analogues. Think about it: extra space above or below can be used to organize information, which previously had to be dragged into the hidden menu. On the “bonus” of screen space could produce something that used to hide – rectangles infinitely coming notification or, for example, an extended preview incoming emails. But in Cupertino went the way of least resistance.
“Weather” is the only application from the standard software package in iOS 6, which was qualitatively changed for the iPhone 5. Hourly forecast box was opened in the previous smart phones manually, in the new product “deployed” initially. And, actually, everything. All other programs were just being “stretched” – for example, in the calendar is possible to see one entry more, and in iBooks shows a part of the next bookshelves. Sceptics rightly observed: Third-party developers implements this in twenty minutes. All this looks no better against another fact:in iPhone 5 is no, i will repeat, absolutely no new features of the software. iPhone 4 brings a new level of detail interface. Siri was in 4S. There are more of the same pixels in iPhone 5 than were on 4S.
Of course, not all is so bad. The increased screen space does not hurt ease of interaction with the software. For example, now with Safari browser is even more enjoyable to read long texts and surf the Internet. A new device, the aspect ratio (16:9) for the first time allows you to watch widescreen video content without black bars. Player, maps, settings window – where you see everywhere is more information. No necessary to call this as “revolution“. Apple has done the absolute minimum required of it – put their own interface programs on their own phone. In addition, all of the software remains exactly the same as in the previous three generations of iPhone.
Even two months ago, the world learned new items on display resolution. Theoretically, today the whole gentlemanly set of third-party software must be upgraded to support of increased screen. The reality is stark: only one in five of popular applications, if not ten, managed to get full support for iPhone 5. All other programs and games run with black bars on the sides. This applies to almost all parts of the Angry Birds, Real Racing 2, The Heist, and many other popular games. There are the chances that your favorite software and games have never upgraded to support the new smart phone – but the process of adaptation is by leaps and bounds, so be despair is pointless.
It’s sad, but we have to finish talking about the software of iPhone 5. There are nothing more to discuss. If we are talking about software, we have banal elongated iPhone 4S. Against this background, the performance of new products seems as revelation.
Hardware and Performance.
iPhone is a fast and responsive staff. It will surprise nobody. Every year Apple improves hardware of its smartphone, bringing it up to date. The difference between the old and the new generation, as a rule, is really noticeable in a half of year or year. But this time in Cupertino surpassed them. Apparent and actual performance of iPhone 5 – it is something unusual.
In the devise is dual-core chip Apple A6 own design with 3-core graphics (yes). Operating frequency is traditionally underestimated by 200 MHz – 1 GHz in favour of the duration of offline work. Korean smart phone owners with the most powerful 4-core chips could rub their hands: in theory, the flagship of HTC and Samsung show the best iron. However, those palms sharply sweat, if their owners see the iPhone 5 in the work.
Result: So what to do: to buy or not to buy?
The answer is simple – do not listen what write those who did not have this device, but had read the conclusions of so-called experts and now criticize it without knowing about it from his personal practice. If you need a great design, great quality and comfort of the phone – take it and you would not regret about.
P.S. Some pictures with new iPhone 5: