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iPhone 7 2016 Display Specifications and size.
Monday, December 21, 2015
iPhone 7 2016 Display Specifications and size.
iPhone 7 2016 Display Specifications. The display size is increasing per iPhone 7 series. So what to expect?
iPhone 6 and 2015’s iPhone 6S are already here with the display of 5.5 inches and 4.7 inches. So iPhone 7 is expected to come with a 5.5 inches and 4.7 inches display also at max and the same would be with the Apple iPhone 7 we think so. Because if the size gets increased even from 5-inches it would be falling into the smartphone category and not in the only phone category. Apple will never do this so it is obvious to keep it to 6.5 at the most! We don’t believe that Apple will release iPhone 7 with biggest display.
So thinking logically the display is expected to be of 5.5-inches. Apple is now concentrating on the OLED display, Instead of LCD display this move can be a game changer move for the company. iPhone 7 2016 model will be OLED display.
So, In iPhone 7: The display will come with Gorilla Glass 4 generation and unbreakable glass to an extent. This iPhone 7 2016 model smartphone is expected to be much better as compared to the iPhone 7 series. It’s very nice.
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