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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How To Brick An iPhone – iPhone Prank 2016.

We know that four days ago you can see most popular iPhone prank in 2016. How To Kill iPhone via 10 second + how to fix it. If you like your iPhone, don’t do it now, because you can’t enable your iPhone about 2-3 days or you must fix it via such video method. Ok. Let’s go…

The worst thing is that this error can not be corrected by transfer device in DFU-mode, by flashing or restoring from a backup. According Reddit users are likely, we are talking about small bug, which fixate the boot process and does not allow the device to complete the final launch of all subsystems.

It is noteworthy that the January 1, 1970 – a date of commencement of the so-called UNIX-epoch, the time from which the report is being “computer” time.

At the moment, the problem with infinite loop boot is present in all models of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch with 64-bit processors (A7, A8, A8X, A9 and A9X) on any version of iOS, available for the above mentioned devices.

Apple has commented on this error and promised to release an update.

Employees of Apple Store, like Reddit users have reported, do not believe and do try to check this bug on their devices, which obviously leads to similar consequences. Ha, ha….

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