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iOS 7.1.2 download links available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch 5-Gen. Apple fixed some bags and updated some features. Yu can download iOS 7.1.2 via OTA. If you have jailbroken iOS 7.1.1 device, you can update to iOS 7.1.2. iOS 7.1.2 is safe for Jailbreak. You can make jailbreak iOS 7.1.2 via new Pangu jb utility.
How to make Jailbreak 7.1.2 via Pangu Utility:
IOS 7 is the best OS for smartphones and tablets. I like new iOS 7 and wait official iOS 7.1 jailbreak tool Evasi0n because one cydia tweak can silently installs itself to the my new iPhone’s system and listens for any app to make a request to access your contacts on your iPhone or iPad. All mobile devices owners know, that a lots of apps, who you can install on your idevices, make request to access your contacts. Do you know this? After official iOs 7.1 jailbreak you can install cool tweak and each time an app does so, a system popup will be displayed and allowing you to approve or revoke access.
Cydia Tweak “ContactPrivacy” will not install an icon, it will only display something if it notices an app requesting your contacts.
To install the tweak, you obviously need a jailbreak iOS 7.1. Why only after jailbreak iOS 7.1?
Today we have shared with the world that we developed a new jailbreak for iOS 7.1.1 by releasing a picture of a jailbroken yellow iPhone 5c at iOS 7.1.1. This jailbreak is a completely reimplemented exploit for an iOS kernel vulnerability that is completely based on an exploitation technique we discuss in our trainings. The discussion of this technique (not this specific vulnerability) was added to our course in March and makes exploitation of this specific kernel bug 99.99% stable. We mainly developed this new exploit in the last days to test the technique in the real world.
Fake jailbreak spreads on the Web. Don’t believe them. You can’t install Cydia on yOur iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch running on iOS 7.1 - 7.1.1
It’s fake message:
CyberElevat0r is easy way to jailbreak your iDevice. All you need to do is visit ………… on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad’s Mobile Safari browser and Slide to jailbreak.
Safe and completely reversible (just restore in iTunes), jailbreaking gives you control over the device you own. It only takes a minute or two, and as always, it’s completely free. Experience iOS 7.1/7.1.1 as it could be, fully customizable.
List of developers that have implemented jailbreak for iOS 7.1.1, deposited Evad3rs jailbreak team. Following i0n1c and winocm successful hack new OS announced evaders jailbreak team on his youtube account. In support they posted a video on YouTube, which demonstrated the cracking process. It’s very good news for all, who wait new jailbreak iOS 7.1.1.
There are no publicly available tools to jailbreak iOS 7.1.1, which offers owners of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. We think that they will not appear. Despite the fact that three jailbreak developers have jailbroken iOS 7.1.1 firmware until the publicly available tools to crack iOS 7.1.1 can not reach. Two weeks later, Apple will introduce iOS 8 and Evad3rs jailbreak team will switch to jailbreak iOS 8.
Jailbreak iOS 7 from Evad3rs Team confirmed. We know that new jailbreak for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch running on iOS 7 will has very big future. Today Evad3rs claims that jailbreak for iOS 7 has been released.
Jailbreak iOS 7.0.4 released. Why I like It? I have 5 reasons why i like iOS 7 jailbreak. One of them is Cydia tweaks. If you have been a long time the iPhone user (I started with iPhone 3GS), then you may have noticed the lack of any sound when you unlocked your device after upgrading to iOS 7. I miss this feature. It was very good feature on iPhone. Today I found cool Cydia io S7 tweak “UnlockSound7″ in BigBoss repo. If you want turn on unlock sound on iOS 7.0.4 - 7.0, you can do it. You can install this tweak on your iPhone now for free. How? It’s very simple.
EVASI0N JAILBREAK iOS 7.0.6: Evasi0n Jailbreak Tool works for both Mac and Windows, and is considered to be one of the most reliable jailbreaks by the whole community. To date, Evasi0n can be used to jailbreak the following iOS 7 - iOS 6 devices:
iPhone 4S with jailbroken iOS 7.1. We have good news for all who wait jailbreak iOS 7.1 for iPhone 4S, iPhone. Was not much time between the announcement of iOS 7 and the appearance Jailbreak iOS 7. The company Apple, in turn, allowed for past mistakes and closed the vulnerability through which you may receive untethered Jailbreak with utility evasi0n7. Now there is good news for owners of Apple- devices, especially for users of iPhone 4S and iPhone 4.
Developer under the name IH8Sn0w, known for his projects for the devices in the network posted a message on which confirmed that the untethered Jailbreak for iOS 7.1 exists and works on his iPhone 4S. He said that it was possible to carry out jailbreak 7.1 devices. According to him, it is not known when it will be released Jailbreak 7.1 for other devices from Apple.
On the other hand, we know that the team evad3rs currently also working on ways to get untethered Jailbreak 7.1 for the latest version of the OS from Apple.
iOS 7.0.6 - 7.0. All Apple devices are very big security bug. You MUST read this information. You must Fix this bag. The Apple SSL bug really is a double facepalm. One might think this was done on purpose. One of the worst day for Apple. Today we know that HTTPS haven’t protected our credentials and privacy for 1 year. People on public wifi networks (like shops, university, schools..) please just don’t use your iOS device if it’s not updated to iOS 7.0.6. People (with no special talent) can grab any of your passwords without you noticing now that they know how.
Mail, iMessage, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Youtube, Gmail are vulnerable!!!
The security of iOS < 7.0.6 is now so bad that I advice everyone to update quick.
Not difficult to understand: HTTPS doesn’t work on OSX and iOS < 7.0.6. Your passwords and credit card creds can be intercepted on networks.
Any software relying on the Security framework. 99% of them.