iPhone 5S Release Date: Summer. 2013.


Posted date:  April 16, 2013  | 

iPhone 5S Release Date: Summer. 2013. What else could be “this year’s biggest smartphone release,” some generic run-of-the-mill Android handset? In any case, we are giving interested customers the ability to subscribe to receive updates about the iconic handset once official information becomes available, and it even offers to “end the rumors.” Isn’t that thoughtful? Apple is expected to introduce the company’s next-generation iPhone at a WWDC 2013 conference on June (2013) with availability to follow sometime in mid-August.

When the first call was placed on a handheld mobile phone in 1973, the prototype device used was capable of less than 30 minutes of battery life and took 10 hours to re-charge. Fast-forward some 40 years later and mobile device ownership has reached critical mass around the world. Today, these devices serve as the primary communications and media vehicles for many and play an increasingly important role in the daily lives of consumers in both developed and high-growth economies.

Do you want to buy iPhone 5S when it comes out in this year?

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