Name: iPhone 6
Release Date: September 2014
Manufacturer: Apple
Type: Mobile Phone - Smartphone
Price: Vote (16GB), NC (32GB), NC (64GB), NC (128GB)
Specifications: LCD multi-touch 4 “, A7 four-processor cores clocked at 2GHz, 2GB RAM, Camera 12Mpx.
What would you like to increase in iPhone 6?
Products that Apple is expected to launch later this year are already the subject of speculation more or less serious. All the rumors that have emerged in recent weeks, which announced that several models of iPhone could be launched in 2014 occupies an important place in the news of the Californian company. Today, I suggest you just discover two pictures parts deemed to have been designed to equip one future versions of Apple’s smartphone.
In all likelihood, the launch of the iPhone 6 should not be held before September, 2014, but this does not preclude any creative hair imagine what the future might look like replacing the iPhone 5s .

With its design inspired by both the iPod Touch 5G and the latest generation iPad, this iPhone 6 is very similar to the one we had.
However, that other fictional model brings new technical specifications. Thus, the iPhone 6 Arthur Reis has a FULL HD screen Sapphire 4.4 inches diagonally, a more powerful processor than the current A7 A7X twice processor and a digital camera iSight Pro of 12Mpx capable of capturing HD video at 120fps 1,080 p coupled with a front camera 5Mpx. Not bad.
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