Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Baidu Cloud App is the Best Cloud Service for iPhone, iPad, Mac

Baidu Cloud is the best cloud service for iPhone, iPad, Mac and others iOS devices including all-new iPhone X. Why? Baidu Cloud is a free cloud storage of files (the volume is 2 TB).

The main advantages of the Baidu Cloud App storage are:
* Large amount of storage for files - 2055 gigabytes;
* Secure storage and synchronization of personal data in the cloud;
* Download media files from external sources in offline mode;
* Download torrents offline;
* The ability to use the Weibo, Renren and QQ accounts to register and enter the repository;
* The size of a single download file can reach 4 Gigabytes!!!

The default program interface is represented by the Chinese language, but can this stop us from using it. []
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